Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”- Matthew 19:14 (NRSV)

Children’s Church

Every 1st and 3rd Sunday, Young kids gather to learn more about faith and worship. Children get to participate in their very own church; with kid version worship led by Danielle and Walker Rea.

In June 2021 we were knights in the North Kingdom!

Vacation Bible School

Bluff puts on a Vacation Bible School every June, where kids are invited to learn more about God’s love for them. It’s free and always a ton of fun!

This year’s VBS will kick off on Sunday evening, June 18 and will be each morning, June 19-22. Our exciting theme this year is “Hero Hotline!” We’ll begin registration on April 1 so check back for more info.

Children in Worship

Children are always welcome in worship!  We believe that worship is for all people, and all people can lend a voice.  We have worship bags in the entrance to the sanctuary to help them experience worship in a special way.  Please return the bag at the end of worship so we can add to it.  There is a nursery for children 4 and under, and if you feel like you need to step out with your child for a bit, you can hear the service in the vestibule or in the fellowship hall.  If you want to see some ways children can worship with their bags, check out this worship booklet for families.

Youth of Bluff

The middle school and high school youth meet for special gatherings throughout the year. They attend Montreat Youth Conference during the summer, and the presbytery’s confirmation retreat in February. They are wonderful leaders in the church and participate in worship, service projects, and more. For more information about upcoming youth events email or check out our events page.

Confirmation Retreat at Camp Monroe- 2020

Youth of Bluff and friends on the top of Lookout Mountain at Montreat in 2019